Monday, 15 July 2013

Selecting Media to Target

Now that you have established your target audiences you need to research what media each of them read (newspapers/magazines), listen to (radio), watch (television), visit (websites/blogs).  

Then once you have established a target media list thoroughly familiarise yourself with these media.

If it's a magazine try to secure at least one copy, even better a few.  A radio program, listen to it for the week.  Television program, watch it.

For magazine or newspaper look at what type of articles they have? Do they cover products/services similar to yours? 

Who is the journalist that writes these articles? Read the journalists previous articles so when you're speaking with them they know that you're familiar with their work.

It is detrimental to contact a magazine, for example, which has no interest in the product/service you are pitching. Sound obvious?  Well, sadly this happens all the time, even by PR professionals, and is a major bug bear for journos understandably. 

Do your research. Ensure that the media you are targeting is the right media for your product/service. Otherwise you're wasting your time and the journalists and they, naturally, will not appreciate you doing this.

Also look at the style of the articles, are they lengthy or in question and answer style? Do they do profiles on people in the industry? Maybe you could be a suitable profile for them?

Look for opportunities to place your company and yourself.

If you want to get into the local paper get a few copies and look for articles that you think are similar to your company and note who is the journalist is.  You're looking for a journo who writes about lifestyle, pets, the local community or business.  Steer clear of journalists that, for example, write on restaurants, politics etc.  

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